Coverage to Care Step 4: Find a Provider

Follow these four steps to find a primary care provider. You may need to find a primary care provider who can recommend you to a specialist if your health requires it.

1. Identify providers in your network

Call your insurance company to find a list of providers in your area. See if providers meet your needs. Do you need them to speak a language other than English? Keep in mind that a provider not in your network will cost more than one in your network.

2. Ask around

Perhaps your family or friends may have recommendations for providers!

3. Pick a provider

Call and see who may have availabilities. Ask if the provider is taking new patients. Determine if there is an appointment time that works for you.See if the provider meets your needs as far as language and accessibility is concerned.

4. Give them a try!

It may take multiple tries to find a provider that is right for you, so don’t be concerned about testing a few out.

For more information, contact Compassionate Care Network: 773-775-3600

Coverage to Care Step One: Put your Health First

It’s important for everyone to prioritize their health, not just for themselves, but for their family and and other loved ones. The best way to keep yourself healthy is to be proactive about preventative care. While health insurance can be very helpful when you are sick or injured, it’s no substitution for preventing health problems in the first place or identifying minor issues before they become major ones. Here are some steps to maintaining your health:

  • Preventative care starts at home. Focus on eating well and exercising to keep yourself in top shape.
  • Consider what preventative health services you may need.
  • Stay aware of your health and body
  • Keep all of your health information in the same place

A project of Compassionate Care Network, 2015. Compassionate Care Network provides ongoing preventative medical screenings and education on important issues like heart health, diabetes and obesity prevention and reduction.

Coverage 2 Care

Ramadan is an opportunity to kick off healthy habits year-round. It’s also a great opportunity to make sure your health insurance is up to speed. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, you may now have access to new health resources that previously were not available to you. In order to take advantage of these new resources, Ramadan is the perfect time to follow the “Coverage to Care” roadmap to ensure you are getting the most possible out of your new insurance.

Step 1: Put your health first

Preventative health is key to maintaining a healthy life. Stay committed to eating well and exercising regularly, as well as visiting the doctor for check-ups.

Step 2: Understand your coverage

Investigate what doctors are covered under your insurance. Calculate how much of a copay you will have to pay when you visit the doctor. For more information about how to understand your insurance plan, press this link to look at the roadmap.

Step 3: Know where to go for care

Find a primary care doctor for non-emergency medical care.

Step 4: Find a provider

Research providers that are covered by your insurance. You can do this by calling your insurance company, or looking at their website. Ask around to see if friends or family have any recommendations.

Step 5: Make an appointment

Make sure you indicate your insurance information when you make the appointment, as well as the type of appointment you want to make. If you’re sick, be sure to tell the office you are sick and if you are just coming for a check-up, be clear about that as well. Ask if you need to bring anything to the appointment, like medical records, as well as the details of the cancellation policy in case you have to cancel your appointment.

Step 6: Be prepared for the visit

Make sure you bring your insurance card, a photo ID, and your copay. You may need to fill out additional forms once you arrive at the office.

Step 7: Decide if the provider is right for you

Decide if the provider made you feel comfortable and informed about your health. It’s very important you are able to trust your provider.

Step 8: Next steps

Ask your provider about any follow up visits or when you should next make an appointment. If you have questions for your doctor between visits, feel free to give them a call.

Now is the time to make sure you understand your health insurance policy! For more assistance, call Compassionate Care Network at  773-775-3600