Mental Health Awareness Month

As May draws to a close, it’s important for us to remember that it is Mental Health Awareness Month. Join CCN as we work to shine a light on mental health issues. We all need to work together to overcome social stigmas that prevent diagnosis and treatment.

Mental health issues affect people from all different backgrounds and at all different ages. According to many sources, 1 in 5 Americans (that’s about 43 million people) are suffering from a mental health issue, although not all of them are receiving help. However, many health insurance plans (including those under the ACA) cover mental health services. If you feel you may benefit from treatment, call your insurance company to see what is covered.

Here are some other facts to keep in mind from the National Institute of Mental Health:

  • Although 1 in 5 Americans have some mental health issue, many of these are not seriously debilitating. 1 in 25 American adults experience serious functional challenges due to a major mental health disorder such as schizophrenia or bipolar type I.
  • Mental health issues can be dangerous, like many physical health issues. Over 40,000 people committed suicide in 2013. That’s about as many people who died of breast cancer. The highest risk group for suicides are men over the age of 60.
  • Mental health disorders DO respond to treatment. Up to 85% of the most seriously depressed people respond to treatment while 75% of people with schizophrenia experience long-term improvement in their mental health status. Lithium is very successful at treating bipolar disorder. Many, many people benefit from mental health treatment, even in the most serious of cases.

If you feel you or someone you know can benefit from mental health treatment, don’t delay getting help.

For more help, contact Compassionate Care Network at 773-775-3600.

Coverage To Care Step 3: Know Where to Go for Care

In a life-threatening emergency, you can always call 911 for emergency services. A trip to the emergency room can be costly, however. In order to safeguard your health, your best course of action is to get routine services and preventative care from a primary care provider.

You can find a primary care provider in a number of different places:

  • Private medical groups
  • Hospital outpatient clinics
  • Community or government-funded clinics
  • School clinics
  • Veterans’ Affairs clinics.

Your primary care provider will work with you on long-term health issues as well as run regular tests to make sure that you are in excellent shape. To go to a primary care provider, you must call ahead and make an appointment. Make sure you bring your copay. You should visit your provider annually when you are healthy and if you have any health problems.

Having a primary care provider is crucial towards maintaining long-term health. Don’t delay in finding a primary care provider.

Coverage To Care Step Two: Understand Your Health Coverage

If you have recently purchased insurance, before you use it it’s important to know what you can use it for. Your coverage is useful when you’re sick, but it’s also useful before you’re sick. Most insurance covers vaccinations, annual well visits and certain cancer screenings. Make sure you understand the following things about your insurance;

  • Network: The doctors, hospitals and clinics that your healthcare provider has selected as “in network”  are available under your insurance. Visiting healthcare practitioners that are “out of network” may cost you more.
  • Deductible: Some plans require you pay a certain amount in healthcare costs before the insurance kicks and covers services. This amount is called a deductible.
  • Co-pay: When services are covered by your insurance, you may still have to pay a percentage of the cost. The amount you are responsible for is called a co-pay.
  • Premium: This is the amount you or your employer pays each month for your insurance.

Compassionate Care Network can help you if you’re confused about your benefits. Find us on facebook at

Coverage to Care Step One: Put your Health First

It’s important for everyone to prioritize their health, not just for themselves, but for their family and and other loved ones. The best way to keep yourself healthy is to be proactive about preventative care. While health insurance can be very helpful when you are sick or injured, it’s no substitution for preventing health problems in the first place or identifying minor issues before they become major ones. Here are some steps to maintaining your health:

  • Preventative care starts at home. Focus on eating well and exercising to keep yourself in top shape.
  • Consider what preventative health services you may need.
  • Stay aware of your health and body
  • Keep all of your health information in the same place

A project of Compassionate Care Network, 2015. Compassionate Care Network provides ongoing preventative medical screenings and education on important issues like heart health, diabetes and obesity prevention and reduction.